Celebrating our very own Coho Community Supported Bakery

Each December we gather at April and Craig Hall-Cutting’s house for a toasty and tasty celebration of goodness and community: the Wild Yeast Bakery. April and Craig started the bakery out of their home and Coho kitchen in ___, initially supplying neighbors at Coho and the surrounding area with subscription artisan sourdough breads. They have […]

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The Great Pumpkin finally Arrived!

(Submitted by David Kimdon, pumpkin whisperer.) A pumpkin, a marching band and a bunch of friends.  What better way to start a day of community building? We started at 9 am with a parade down the path honoring Greatest Pumpkin.  From the moment of her introduction to the community as a tiny seedling early last […]

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Coho a big presence at Open Streets!

Many cohoots  volunteered at Open Streets, working at booths and entertaining. Jeff’s bike shop, Corvallis Electric Bikes, was a sponsor. April and Craig’s bakery (also a Coho business) Wild Yeast provided food.

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Our Bountiful Community

Meet Valerie and her sidekick, Chaco. Valerie is a master gardener. She can be seen delivering dahlias, cucumbers, tomatoes, tomatillos, and the occasional eggplant door to door at Coho. Valerie is one of the blessings of living at Coho.

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A “Happy” introduction to Cohousing

Caroline and Nick discovered cohousing by watching the movie “Happy.” This prompted them to look for our community. They were able to rent a unit until one became available to buy. To celebrate their recent purchase of a unit at Coho, they hosted a “Happy” movie party at the common house. The smiles were many. […]

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Dill the Wonder Dog Graduates from Guide Dog Training!!!

Dill has completed her guide dog training and has been match up with a life partner! Awesome work Katie & Dill! See original blog . From Katie’s mom (inspiration and dog-trainer extraordinaire), Jodie: So it looks like Dill will get to do her first flight on Sunday and she’s going to learn to speak with […]

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Coho hosts Master Gardener Neighborhood Planter Kiosk

Christine and Rich from the Master Gardeners Program installed this snazzy kiosk in front of the common house to inform neighborhood gardeners about what to do each week in the garden. It also lists gardening activities around town, such as garden tours. While viewing the kiosk, cohoots and neighbors can be inspired by the rhuartigus […]

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The Giant Pumpkin Moves into its New Digs!

After uncounted hours of site preparation and seedling care this spring by the pumpkin team we gathered yesterday afternoon to plant the chosen seedling.  The ceremony began quietly in the greenhouse with the selection of the lucky one from five candidate seedlings.  Once at the planting site folksy music played as we put the finishing […]

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