Cherry-Picking Cherries

It’s that time of year again, where fruit begins to ripen around CoHo and is ready for picking. There are some cherry trees that have produced pretty well over the last couple of years, but sometimes we’ve been too late to get them before the birds! As the trees grow taller, we need brave people […]

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Education Celebration

CoHo encourages education. Corvallis is one of America’s smartest and highest educated cities. And we had an education celebration for Jeremy who just earned a Master’s Degree in Statistics from Oregon State University. Jeremy already has a PhD, but he wasn’t done getting educated! CoHo has a few PhD’s living here, among others with graduate […]

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Sightings at CoHo – Vegetable Eaters

While playing in the sandbox, some rustling in the woods got our attention. Then this couple appeared, and we all watched each other. As unique as it was to spot some deer, they do love vegetables and we’d prefer they not eat our food! The doe eventually trotted down the path, then the young buck […]

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Second annual CoHousing Open House Day Success!

Those of us who do tours at CoHo have noted that the flavor of a tour varies a lot, depending upon the needs of the guests, and the interests of the tour guide. For instance, on a tour with me, you might learn about bird life at coho, including great bird viewing areas – if you […]

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CoHo Orbits the Science March in Corvallis

On Science March Saturday, we rocked a work party, ate pizza at the common house, and followed up with a trip to the Corvallis Science March.  Corvallis has a population of roughly 55,000, and somewhere between 4-5,000 folks showed up for the Science March.  This made it difficult to locate the many non-CoHo friends we expected to see at […]

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Even Snails on the Path Do It!

On first glance, this cluster of snails on the path appeared to be having a meeting, convention, or a very quiet party.  However, on closer look, they were connected in pairs, making it more of a snail orgy.  My duty as a gardener probably should have been to destroy the enemy of plants, but some […]

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It’s Turkey Vulture Mating Season at CoHo!

On April 1st, while working outside and talking with a friend, I noticed two turkey vultures, wings outstretched and sunning themselves with their backs to us.  They were perched atop a snag by the garages.  As there were two, Deb wondered if they might be a pair.  I expounded on how generally unfriendly they often […]

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Hyperlocal Eating

We do our best to support local businesses and locally grown food. The First Alternative Natural Foods Co-op and Corvallis Sustainability Coalition introduced the concept of “Local 6” products to our community in 2009, those that are “grown, made or processed by a business owned and operated within the six counties touching and including Benton county.” Here […]

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CoHo Whiteout!

Corvallis is generally mild when it comes to weather, but we’ve had more than normal snowfall so far this winter.  Usually Corvallis only expects to get about 3 inches of snow annually, but we got that just today.  It’s almost a whiteout! We’ve had several recent days of ice, snow and sleet, but today it’s […]

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