Sunshine and Rainbows
Step One in the solar art installation at CoHo Ecovillage is to mount samples in the atrium tower windows.
Step One in the solar art installation at CoHo Ecovillage is to mount samples in the atrium tower windows.
Jugglers on The Path at CoHo Ecovillage provide home-grown entertainment.
A Home in Community (AHIC) at CoHo Ecovillage in Corvallis, Oregon celebrating is 5th “birthday.” AHIC owns a rental unit at CoHo.
Neighbors in Southtown Corvallis share resources and garden produce.
Aronia berry bushes at CoHo Ecovillage yield a great crop each year.
Brewing at CoHo Ecovillage draws a crowd.
A wheelbarrow race energized residents of CoHo Ecovillage.
It’s tamale-making time on New Years Day at CoHo Ecovillage.
The CoHo Ecovillage blog has reached the one-year milestone.
Visitors were welcomed to CoHo Ecovillage at our 18th Welcome Weekend.