Winter Wellness Retreat – Bring on the Maypole!

Twice a year, CoHoots gather for a Wellness Retreat to refresh our spirits and renew our connections with each other. The fall retreat is a 2-day, overnight adventure at a nearby camp. The spring retreat is a 1-day gathering at CoHo.

Starting retreats with homemade cinnamon rolls is now a CoHo tradition.

The traditional cinnamon rolls greeted folks when they first assembled in the common house on Saturday, March 5th. When asked to pose for a photo with hands outstretched toward the alluring plate of cinnamon rolls, one CoHoot confessed they’d already had two and didn’t mind reaching for another. Thankfully, our cinnamon roll baker knows CoHo appetites and made plenty.

A giant bamboo pole was festooned with colorful ribbons and CoHo, at long last, had its first Maypole dance.

The inner circle featured some of the kids and others of the “free spirit” temperament who were more likely to create on-the-spot dances around the Maypole. The outer circle attempted a few more challenging orchestrated weaving pattern.

After the Maypole dance and delighted applause, the pole was transported out of the common house to make way for more group activities. CoHoots devoted more time/energy/ideas to our long-range plan and by the end of the day, all projects were staffed. One more session in April will wrap up the initial part of the process.

A rousing game of musical chairs ended the retreat. As they lost their seats, CoHoots shared 4 x 6 cards highlighting cherished memories of CoHo.

CoHoots shared some of their favorite moments at CoHo.

Posted in Celebrations, Community, Long-Range Planning, Traditions.