Prepare to be Awwed: Introducing the new Osprey Chicks!

The sounds of the Osprey papa arriving with food, mama calling out to him, and cute, whistling sound of chicks begging for food, punctuate our summer days, here at Coho. These photos were taken by Chris on July 23. The nest is probably higher than last years nest, so we have been unable to see […]

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Next Tour of CohoEcovillage: Sunday August 18

Join us for a late-summer tour of our community. You will get to see cohoots in action at a workparty! Tour the path, the common house, the gardens, the wooded nature path, the workshop and bike barn. Learn about how we do community: meetings, NVC, sustainability, shared meals, and assorted topics. Bring your questions and […]

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First glimpse of our new Osprey baby!!!

A little history of our snag, situated near the garages: It has been with Coho since the beginning. It was topped off with a nice flat area that has been used by larger birds like turkey vultures and osprey to eat and mate for years, but until last summer, as the tree was nearing the […]

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Wandering Peahens visit Coho!

Peahens investigating Christina’s balcony. These independent peahens have been spotted at different sites around South Corvallis for several weeks. Then they discovered Coho. Who doesn’t want to live at Coho? Unfortunately, they enjoy roosting on our tall buildings. They can be heard calling from various areas around Coho and South Corvallis at different times of […]

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Why have a Wildlife Corridor?

When we first moved to Coho, I just couldn’t get the whole “wildlife corridor” concept, especially when I saw deer walking down the main path at Coho. When I asked about the wildlife corridor, one of the stories I heard involved newts being able to cross the fire lane from the swale behind bldgs 6 […]

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My Birdy Boo-Boos, or Ground and Shrub Nesters at Coho

Some of the most frequent fliers at my bird feeder are several birds who nest and live mostly on the ground. These include towhees, dark-eyed juncos, song sparrows, white-throated sparrows, and fox sparrows. The white-throated sparrows and dark-eyed juncos live on the ground, but nest further north, they live at Coho from fall through spring. […]

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A tale of two nests

A nest of chickdees successfully fledged from a nestbox near the wildlife corridor. A couple of weeks later, a nest of tree swallows fledged from a bluebird box nearby. Cleaning out the nests brought an interesting insight: The swallow nest was vacated just two days before the clean out, the chickadee nest had sat empty […]

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Fun Activity for Scientists and Gardeners of All Ages

While clearing the valerian “forest” on the bike barn path (also known as the snake bed), I was wishing something could be made out of the plant material, such as fabric. Then the thought occurred: hollow tubes, these could be mason bee homes! Anyone can make a simple structure for native bees out of valerian […]

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