A nest of chickdees successfully fledged from a nestbox near the wildlife corridor. A couple of weeks later, a nest of tree swallows fledged from a bluebird box nearby. Cleaning out the nests brought an interesting insight: The swallow nest was vacated just two days before the clean out, the chickadee nest had sat empty for a couple of weeks. Photos below.

It is always interesting to observe the things nests are constructed of and the neatness or sloppiness of the builders. (For instance, the house sparrow nests I have cleared are incredibly sloppy, grass-filled messes. A testament to how quickly these vermin birds breed.) However, another difference stood out here: when the chickadee nest was removed, it was teaming with earwigs. BIG YUCK! However, it was completely clear of excrement! Probably ready for re-use, if I had not removed it. Note to self: leave the chickdee nests in the future. The chickadee nest was in a shady spot, the swallow nest in full sun. Would it also have been cleaned out by earwigs in a sunny location? Perhaps leave it? Hoping for bluebirds next year.
The nests are available for viewing for a short time at the Ray memorial bench near the path to the garden. Just another amazing opportunity to connect to wonder and appreciate the perfection of our natural world.