Next Tour of CohoEcovillage: Sunday July 14, 10:30am

Please join us Sunday July 14, at 10:30am for a tour of our community. See Cohoots in action during a work party. Take a walk down our lovely garden path. Check out our common house. Ask to see where the osprey family nested this year. They are still viewable from the parking lot. You might […]

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Tulip Fairies

Years ago, many cohoots donated bulbs to plant along the entrance to Coho. Then, every year for (I don’t know how many years!) tulip bulbs would mysteriously appear in my cubby each fall. They migrated into the driveway plantings. I suspect the bulb fairie could have been a cohoot who no longer lives here (Juva? […]

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Next Coho Tour: Sunday March 17 at 10:30am

You will get to see a Coho work party in action while learning about how our community works. Bring questions and friends. We will meet at the common house at 10:30. The common house is the first building you see when you turn into the parking lot. Please RSVP to

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Tour CohoEcovillage Sunday April 16, 2023!

We will meet at the Common House at 10:30am. Bring your questions, it’s always more fun with good questions! We will see a Coho work party, tour the path, the gardens, the bike barn, and more! RSVP to, so we know to wait for you.

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Wandering Peahens visit Coho!

Peahens investigating Christina’s balcony. These independent peahens have been spotted at different sites around South Corvallis for several weeks. Then they discovered Coho. Who doesn’t want to live at Coho? Unfortunately, they enjoy roosting on our tall buildings. They can be heard calling from various areas around Coho and South Corvallis at different times of […]

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Why have a Wildlife Corridor?

When we first moved to Coho, I just couldn’t get the whole “wildlife corridor” concept, especially when I saw deer walking down the main path at Coho. When I asked about the wildlife corridor, one of the stories I heard involved newts being able to cross the fire lane from the swale behind bldgs 6 […]

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Betty B. Puts Bee Box in Tree!

Text and Photo by Betty B. Most bee species are solitary, meaning that each female cares for her own offspring. Eggs are laid one at a time in a chamber created from mud or chewed up plant leaves, provisioned with bee bread made from pollen and nectar, and then sealed up. Then she starts a […]

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Fun Activity for Scientists and Gardeners of All Ages

While clearing the valerian “forest” on the bike barn path (also known as the snake bed), I was wishing something could be made out of the plant material, such as fabric. Then the thought occurred: hollow tubes, these could be mason bee homes! Anyone can make a simple structure for native bees out of valerian […]

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30 seconds – GO!

One of the two groups of devotees of the activity formerly known as crossfit who practice at Coho with social distancing (except for the family group featured last. Enjoy this quick view!

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