Wandering Peahens visit Coho!

Peahens investigating Christina’s balcony. These independent peahens have been spotted at different sites around South Corvallis for several weeks. Then they discovered Coho. Who doesn’t want to live at Coho? Unfortunately, they enjoy roosting on our tall buildings. They can be heard calling from various areas around Coho and South Corvallis at different times of […]

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Coho a big presence at Open Streets!

Many cohoots  volunteered at Open Streets, working at booths and entertaining. Jeff’s bike shop, Corvallis Electric Bikes, was a sponsor. April and Craig’s bakery (also a Coho business) Wild Yeast provided food.

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New CoHousing Neighbors

Somewhere in the wilds of a South Corvallis neighborhood (two to three blocks from CoHo, as the heron flies) exists a cohousing community consisting of Great Blue Herons. Last summer, as Austin was walking home from downtown, he encountered a geezer who was gazing into a variety of tall evergreens in his yard and remarking […]

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CoHo Whiteout!

Corvallis is generally mild when it comes to weather, but we’ve had more than normal snowfall so far this winter.  Usually Corvallis only expects to get about 3 inches of snow annually, but we got that just today.  It’s almost a whiteout! We’ve had several recent days of ice, snow and sleet, but today it’s […]

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Cohoots Keeping Cool on the River

We are lucky to live near water. CoHo is located in the Upper Willamette watershed, and we are within walking distance to the Willamette River.So what do you do when you live near a river that’s almost 200 miles long? The Willamette River is generally calm in our area, so it’s a great place to […]

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