Balloon Wars on the Path!

It was Mayhem! Bodies strewn everywhere! It was Balloon Wars! Summer of 2018 Featuring mega warrior Mica, Arbor and Corvus – who didn’t stand a chance, Daisy the warrior dog, and the warrior couture design skills of Caleb!

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Meet Dill, Katie’s trainee dog!

From Jodi, proud Mom: As a part of her Waldorf 8th grade project presentation this week, Katie made a slideshow showing different aspects of raising guide dog puppy “Dill.”  Katie and Jodi (who is an talented dog trainer) will have Dill through January or February of next year. Watch Dill’s story here.  When Dill makes it […]

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A Day in the Life of the Common House

The common house at CoHo gets a lot of traffic! Saturday May 12 started with our usual breakfast crew in the kitchen and dining room, followed by a game day in the living room, while a Nonviolent Communication class happened in the kids room, and a sourdough baking class took place in the kitchen/dining room.

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CoHo at Corvallis Women’s March 2018

Yes! We were there, but not altogether. Who knew it would be impossible for us to find each other in this small town? With between 3,000 and 4,000 marchers, most of the folks I knew who were at the march were impossible to find. I wandered around looking, but came up with no cohoots other […]

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Redtail pair watches over CoHo

You may have noticed the lone hawk sitting in one of the twin towers early in the mornings. Or you may have seen one circling over the cemetery and floating over the buildings of Coho. For the longest time, I could not tell what variety of hawk it could be. Early in the morning, with […]

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Say goodbye to hornets

The hornets and yellowjackets are cruising for their last snacks before the frost gets them. Yellowjackets have been particularly annoying, lately, buzzing around hair and exposed skin. If you stay calm while brushing them away, they seldom sting. They appear to be curious, more than aggressive, perhaps they want to taste the perspiration on skin, […]

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This time of year Oregon buzzes with yellow jackets, paper wasps, and hornets. Yellowjackets nest in the ground in large hives with multiple openings, and they are very aggressive if a person happens to enter their space. Hornets can also be aggressive, but usually nest up high, where we are unlikely to bother them. Paper […]

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