Neighborhood Bus Shelter

One reason CoHoots were so excited to site our project in southtown Corvallis was that we were joining a “neighborly neighborhood.” This update on our nearest bus shelter is evidence of that enduring community spirit. Here’s a quick note from the neighbor who lives on the corner of Ryan and Alexander, the site of this unique one-of-a-kind bus shelter.

Trim was replaced on one side of the shelter.

Trim was replaced on one side of the shelter.

“Southtown Bus Riders- The bus shelter at SE Ryan and SE Alexander was completed in 1998 by 22 neighbors, and funded by a Corvallis Neighborhood Empowerment Grant.

After 17 years, a few of its parts have rotted. The two east posts’ bottoms were cut out and replaced with ‘fresh’ 6×6 fir and capped with stained 1×6 cedar; the south sill was removed, and a new one fabricated from 2×8 cedar, and installed; the east 2×6 cedar frame of the south window was removed and replaced; and eight of the cedar stops were replaced on the south windows.

The Corvallis Transit System [CTS] paid for the materials, but the work was volunteered by Mark Willhoit and Norman Hommes. See the attached pics of their improvements, or check them out at the shelter itself.

Thanks go to these two for keeping the shelter intact till at least 2030, as well as increasing the value of my property!”

This photo of the bus shelter shows off the skylight, stonework, bench and signage (there are also carvings in the wood that don’t show well in the photo).

This shelter was one of the stops on our Bicycle Photo Scavenger Hunt in 2013.


The Corvallis Transit System is fareless, which makes riding especially easy.  Our area is served by Route 6 with half-hour service Monday through Saturday.

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